How To…
This section explains the various types of insulation available, with guidance on the most appropriate materials and methods. We also cover how to get the best performance from your existing heating system, and whether a boiler upgrade or heat pump could be a good option for you.

This table compares several energy-saving measures on cost, complexity, environmental benefit and cost-benefit ratio. Several of these are simple enough for DIYers and we’d recommend treating this as a checklist, starting with the simpler jobs at the top of the table. Each topic is explored in the following pages - use the Site Map below to jump to a specific page.
💸 = £50 to £500
💸💸 = £500 to £5000
💸💸💸 = £5000 to £10,000
🔧 simple DIY project
🔧 🔧 advanced DIY project or general contractor/builder required
🔧 🔧 🔧 specialist supplier required
Environmental Benefit
🌳 = minimal benefit
🌳🌳 = moderate benefit
🌳🌳🌳 = significant benefit
Cost-Benefit Ratio
💰 = pays for itself over the long term (>10 years) or not at all
💰 💰 = pays for itself over the medium-term (3-10 years)
💰 💰 💰 = pays for itself in the short term (1-3 years)